For companies doing Crowdfunding via Reg CF, Reg D, or other types of private placements – can handle your marketing.

Also, publicly traded companies need to maintain a positive image to support their stock price.  Perception and optics is everything.

We can run a one time ‘boost’ campaign or a regular quarterly Internet Exposure Campaign (IEC) depending on your needs.  Whatever your budget, we will use the spend wisely.

Our fee is a percentage of the budget (typically 20%), or $2,500 per month, whichever is greater.

Strategies include:
  • Article writing, article placement, article promotion
  • Target URL traffic redirection
  • Inbound link creation
  • Chat/forum/discussion advertising
  • Email newsletter guest posting
  • Blog guest posting

Expect to have $50k – $100k for such a project.


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